Monday, June 18, 2012

Be Personal

Sometimes we seem to think that we are so busy, we have no time for anything.  When I begin  to feel this way I step back and ask "who. do you. think. you are?"  As if I am so much busier than anyone who has come before me.  As if this should excuse me from things like manners, courtesy, friendliness, helping others.  WHO. DO I . THINK. I AM?  It is nonsense.  People before me got up before the sun did, to go out and tend fields and animals prior to leaving for work where they had to walk an hour to get there, work all day in the sun and after a 12 hour shift, walk another hour home.  Get home and eat, then wash clothes by hand to prepare for the next day.  That is, after they walked to the stream for water.

But.  I am too busy.

As I said - Nonsense.  It is an excuse.  It is laziness.  It is thinking too highly of one's self and position.  That is what it is.

We HAVE time - we do not TAKE the time.  THIS is the honest truth.

So, let's be honest.  Let's be real.

Everyone likes to be noticed, appreciated, helped and thought of.  No one says they do.  We take on the role and attitude that we are fine and need nothing.  However, if we go back to being honest and real, we will say it is true.

So, if we like it, why do we hold it back from others?  This is where we go back to the excuse of being too busy and I say nonsense...

TAKE the time.  MAKE the time. FAKE the time.  If you don't have it - fake it!  but make the time and make it count.  It doesn't have to be anything huge but be real, be courteous, be kind, be helpful and show good manners.  If we can just get this part down, we can change a society that is quickly becoming rude.

When I reach out to people, just in a personal manner as in dropping them a personal hand written note when they do business with us, they notice.  They also respond with a thank you.  This is because it is so rarely seen nowadays, so when someone actually does it - people notice and respond.  This makes me feel good, because I have made them feel good for the day and hopefully brought a smile.  And it took me all of a few minutes to sit down and jot them a note.  A few minutes in the scheme of a lifetime, really is a small task when it comes to improving my relationships with another person.

So, I challenge you to find a way to be real.  To be personable and to be personal.  SMILE and see where that smile can lead you.

Don't think you are all that - Remember, we are all here and equal ... we just have different roles.  So, be kind to the one who may pass you by in a short moment ... you may need them on the other side.

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