Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Don't take things so serious

Sometimes we tend to take things too seriously.  Especially when it comes to business..  This is an area where we strive hard for perfection and growth, and it is an area where if we are not careful we can let our concerns rule over our success and our happiness in that success.

Time to lighten up.  Time to step back and say "Will this matter in 5 year?"  If not, then it is not really something to waste much time on... deal with the portions that you need to, and then move on.

When you hear someone making a wise crack, or slamming something you have done, something against you, your company or your industry,  or it may even be something that you stand for, remember that we all are endowed with the same God given rights to speak our mind (even little minds have rights), so let it go ... As they say, Shake it off!  It is not worth your time, concern or energy to try to fix it, change it, or to change their mind.  In most cases, a response is not even necessary.  Just let it go.

Stay focused and these small obstacles will not even be noticed as any more than a bump.  However, if your eyes fixate on them, and you become obsessive in fixing it, you will lose your sanity and probably your position within the industry because you followed a red herring instead of the road to your goals and aspirations.

Remember - one person's opinion is nothing to base your life, business or thoughts on.  Especially when that person is someone who you have most likely never met, never will meet and just has an attitude that has not been adjusted and they are taking their anger or resentment out on you, or your team.  Shake it off - let it go.  There is too much to do and too little time to do it already.  Don't waste such a valuable commodity on such a petty nuisance.

Remember - only those who stay focused on the goal and move in that direction ever win!  Don't be cut short by negativity.  Be the WINNER that you are.

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