Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today's Focus : Stay the Course

Good Tuesday Morning to you.

Stay the course is my motto for today.

Sometimes it seems there are so many things I want to do and accomplish in a day that if I allow myself, I can wander into a frazzle and not accomplish anything I set out to do initially.  My goal is to pinpoint the important steps for my day and then walk that path and let nothing sidetrack me.  If I complete my list for the day, then I can have a treat of being sidetracked for a while as a reward - but until then - FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.

I think for me the main thing I always have to do, to remain on course through the day, is make a bullet list.  No, not a bucket list (smile) ... a bullet list.  These are the critical things that need done for the day.  They can be personal, family or business related but things that I need to know at 5 PM they are done. (or whatever time I have chosen to end the day).  These may be things like phone calls I need to make, appointments I need to make, followup emails I need to write, things I need to mail and places I need to go.  There may also be updates to articles or postings to Facebook or Twitter, a review that needs to post today, etc.  Anything that needs to be done - TOday.  Then I can do my check offs and get them all done, without losing focus and ending up having a bunch of undone tasks because I allowed myself to get focused on something that did not need my attention today and should have waited until tomorrow.

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